Sou uma pessoa normal.
Há quem me chame "complicada", "doida", "invulgar". Mas já conheci outros como eu e como tal esses epítetos não me chocam.
Como muitas outras pessoas, a minha vida exterior não deixa transparecer o que me vai na alma, a maior parte do tempo.
O turbilhão interior esconde-se e revela-se nas minhas cartas de marear, infinitas auroras em busca de algo que (ainda) não encontrei: o último porto acolhedor onde o meu esquife possa ficar de vez ancorado, o ninho nas escarpas de onde eu possa partir em voo livre - para voltar.
Muitas correntes, muitas vidas ficaram para trás, ninhos abandonados onde só restam os grilhões de que me libertei, sem ódio ainda que por vezes com raiva. Não sei ao certo onde fica esse último porto - sabê-lo-ei instintivamente quando o encontrar, pois terá o sabor de regressar a casa.
Nesse dia terminará o tempo das viagens; chegará a hora da shieldlady pronta a defender o seu forte, Éowyn de cabelo escuro que até agora não encontrou um igual... pois até hoje houve quem a quisesse subjugar e quem a quisesse transformar em rainha-mãe, em qualquer dos casos querendo que abandonasse a luta - mas não quem tivesse a força e a coragem de pegar num montante e lutar ao seu lado, costas com costas e lâminas desembainhadas contra o que fosse preciso.
Serão talvez resquícios de vidas passadas que me assombram, ecos do ano em que nasci, ou talvez tenha apenas nascido na época errada, alma a espaços cheia de uma insatisfação indescritível, umas vezes negro sufocante, outras braseiro incandescente, mas que nunca chegou a desaparecer desde a infância. Não, não sei o que é isto. O que sei é que I still haven't found what I'm looking for.
O sítio onde os meus pensamentos se transformam em palavras ... e onde os colo conforme me dá na telha
sexta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2011
segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2011
No ar, no vento
no fogo e na tempestade
E sou vento, e sou trovão
Sou tempestade liberta
Sou fogo indomado
De alma em chamas
no fogo e na tempestade
E sou vento, e sou trovão
Sou tempestade liberta
Sou fogo indomado
De alma em chamas
On Life and other things
“Life is like a box of chocolates”… can’t agree on that. Sure, among a few rows we’ll find a number of them we aren’t very fond of. But someone will like it, so we offer those gladly.
No, I prefer “Life is what happens while you were making other plans”. Because it is. You think you got it all figured out and then Bam! something happens that knocks your socks off.
You find something you did not expect. You get curious. You try to learn more. The more you learn the more you find it intriguing. You notice details, coincidences. Well, some of those are simple coincidences, but others leave you wondering. And thinking of it a lot more than you first anticipated.
Before you know it it’s under your skin. You feel it, you know it’s there and still you can’t say exactly where or why or how it got in. It makes you feel uncomfortable, not only because it’s there, but also because you have a number of questions you aren’t able to answer. It itches, it burns.
You’re divided, because part of you wants to get rid of it and the other part likes the way you have become so attached to it, even if it doesn’t understand the ifs and whys.
You realize it makes your attention wander off – or your heart beat faster. Side effects you can’t control. It gets more and more space on your mind, ‘til the point you have to get it sorted.
You feel you’ve changed somehow. Maybe you can’t pinpoint exactly what in – or maybe you can. The thing is, you’re no longer the same. You still don’t know why and it bothers you. In fact, it’s the issue itself of not knowing that bothers you the most. Itching and burning.
At some point, you have to make a decision even without all the facts: to drop the ball, cut your losses and get it out of your system… or accept that it’s there, that you like it and simply go for broke and embrace it for the duration.
It’s that choice that defines much of who we are: the way we handle the unknown. Particularly that uncomfortable feeling about the thing that got into your system. Do you ignore it and retreat to safety or go for it and see what happens? What do you value? Stability or adventure? Do you run away or open your arms to it? Do you start accounting what you may lose from the experience or simply take a gamble and whatever the outcome see the experience as a profit?
I know my answer to this.
Do you?
No, I prefer “Life is what happens while you were making other plans”. Because it is. You think you got it all figured out and then Bam! something happens that knocks your socks off.
You find something you did not expect. You get curious. You try to learn more. The more you learn the more you find it intriguing. You notice details, coincidences. Well, some of those are simple coincidences, but others leave you wondering. And thinking of it a lot more than you first anticipated.
Before you know it it’s under your skin. You feel it, you know it’s there and still you can’t say exactly where or why or how it got in. It makes you feel uncomfortable, not only because it’s there, but also because you have a number of questions you aren’t able to answer. It itches, it burns.
You’re divided, because part of you wants to get rid of it and the other part likes the way you have become so attached to it, even if it doesn’t understand the ifs and whys.
You realize it makes your attention wander off – or your heart beat faster. Side effects you can’t control. It gets more and more space on your mind, ‘til the point you have to get it sorted.
You feel you’ve changed somehow. Maybe you can’t pinpoint exactly what in – or maybe you can. The thing is, you’re no longer the same. You still don’t know why and it bothers you. In fact, it’s the issue itself of not knowing that bothers you the most. Itching and burning.
At some point, you have to make a decision even without all the facts: to drop the ball, cut your losses and get it out of your system… or accept that it’s there, that you like it and simply go for broke and embrace it for the duration.
It’s that choice that defines much of who we are: the way we handle the unknown. Particularly that uncomfortable feeling about the thing that got into your system. Do you ignore it and retreat to safety or go for it and see what happens? What do you value? Stability or adventure? Do you run away or open your arms to it? Do you start accounting what you may lose from the experience or simply take a gamble and whatever the outcome see the experience as a profit?
I know my answer to this.
Do you?
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